Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI
Posthumanist metaverse scene featuring two avatars, one embracing a holographic aesthetic and the other a glitch art-inspired look, creating a captivating fusion of digital elements, in the style of digital approach, digital art --ar 3:2 --stylize 750 --v 5.2

Artificial Intelligence vs Generative AI

Standard Artificial Intelligence is methodology of imitating human behaviour by using technologies, Models, Research data captured after various real time application and simulated behaviour data.

Many people call it as Traditional Artificial Intelligence as well.

Its foundation or stepping stones towards a world applications and products which requires no human intervention to perform its required task.

For example: Robots to replace physical work, Chatbots for communication  to replace helpline, call centres and similar places where human plays important role and can get really expensive.

Artificial Intelligence behaviour is achieved using set of rules designed for a given system.

You can take example of rules for any game like playing football or chess, any user/computer moves can be handled based on predicated behaviour of users based on rules of the game.

Generative AI is 2nd Level of AI, its enhancement, done on top of Artificial intelligence,

Where prediction is done based advanced modelling techniques and not limited to set of rules, instead, rules itself is designed and developed using data sets, by studying the patterns in data sets, trying to get inference on available real time data.

By performing various operations on data using various statistical or modelling techniques

To identify the predicted behaviour.

This behaviour helps in building algorithm, to build a new AI Model or in normal terms we can say that it Generates New AI model , which we commonly known as Generative AI these days.

Generative AI give a clear edge in this fast paced growing world on AI technologies, It goes out of box on limits of traditional AI and give results which is really boon for our technological revolution in this field.

Image by freepik

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